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You searched for all of the words: 1881
Interpreted as: 1881
Closed sections tree 240 pages Area, houses, and population, Vol. II [Part 2], Ireland, 1901
Closed sections tree 232 pages Area, houses, and population, Vol. III [Part 1], Ireland, 1901
Closed sections tree 302 pages Area, houses, and population, Vol. III [Part 2], Ireland, 1901
Contract subtree 399 pages Area, houses, and population, Vol. IV, Ireland, 1901
  Expand subtree 125 pages County of Galway
  Expand subtree 48 pages County of Leitrim
  Expand subtree 102 pages County of Mayo
  Expand subtree 67 pages County of Roscommon
  Expand subtree 46 pages County of Sligo
  Expand subtree 11 pages Summary tables
Closed sections tree 121 pages General report, Ireland, 1901
Closed sections tree 1 page General topographical index, Ireland, 1901
Closed sections tree 8 pages Preliminary Report, Scotland, 1901
Closed sections tree 12 pages Population, Scotland, Vol. I, 1901
Closed sections tree 4 pages Population, Scotland, Vol. II, Ages, marital condition, education and birthplaces, 1901
Closed sections tree 2 pages Population, Scotland, Vol. III, Occupations, 1901