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You searched for all of the words: 1881
Interpreted as: 1881
Closed sections tree 380 pages General report, Ireland, 1881 (including document title)
Closed sections tree 1035 pages Area, population and number of houses, Vol. II, Ireland, 1881 (including document title)
Closed sections tree 991 pages Area, population and number of houses, Vol. III, Ireland, 1881 (including document title)
Closed sections tree 645 pages Area, population and number of houses, Vol. IV, Ireland, 1881 (including document title)
Closed sections tree 17 pages Supplement to alphabetical index of townlands and towns of Ireland, 1881 (including document title)
Closed sections tree 15 pages Preliminary report, Scotland, 1881 (including document title)
Closed sections tree 240 pages Population report, Scotland, Vol. I, 1881 (including document title)
Closed sections tree 723 pages Population, Scotland. Vol. II., 1881 (including document title)
Closed sections tree 12 pages Return of numbers of gaelic-speaking people of Scotland, under census of 1881 (including document title)
Contract subtree 2 pages Return of population of Scotland at each decennial period
   1 page Introduction
   1 page IV. Royal and parliamentary burghs; and towns and populous places