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      Open subtree Census
      (323 items, 14342 pages)
      Open subtree Registrar General
      (184 items, 5833 pages)
      Open subtree TNA Enumerators' Books
      (1 item, 2 pages)
      Close subtree TNA Census - Other
      (8 items, 66 pages)
         Open subtree 1881
         (2 items, 47 pages)
         Open subtree 1891
         (1 item, 8 pages)
         Open subtree 1901
         (2 items, 4 pages)
         Open subtree 1911
         (1 item, 4 pages)
         Open subtree 1921
         (1 item, 1 page)
         Open subtree 1931
         (1 item, 2 pages)
         TNA Registration
      (1 item, 4 pages)
      Open subtree Essays
      (33 items)
      Open subtree Legislation
      (1 item)

TNA Census - Other

You searched for all of the words: 1881
Interpreted as: 1881
Contract subtree 46 pages Census of England, Wales and Islands in the British Seas, 1881 (including document title)
   9 pages Census schedules
   11 pages Instructions to local officers as to their duties in taking the census
   5 pages Census of the Islands in the British Seas. Book of instructions to the superintendent of parish as to his duties in taking the census
   11 pages Instructions and circulars issued regarding the taking of the census
   4 pages Census forms
   4 pages Census publicity
   1 page Instructions to the clerks employed in classifying the occupations and ages of the people
   1 page Instructions to clerks respecting the abstraction of birth-places
Closed sections tree 1 page Census of England and Wales, 1881 (including document title)
Closed sections tree 8 pages Census of England, Wales and Islands in the British Seas, 1891
Closed sections tree 2 pages Recommendations regarding the 1901 Census
Closed sections tree 2 pages Documents relating to the tabulation and publication of the 1901 census results
Closed sections tree 4 pages Documents relating to the preparation of the 1911 census
Closed sections tree 1 page Documents relating to the preparation of the 1921 census
Closed sections tree 2 pages Documents relating to the preparation of the 1931 census