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Thirty-seventh annual report of registrar-general of births, deaths and marriages, Scotland

Table of Contents

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(Pages i-iv) Title page & contents
(Pages v-vi) Report of the registrar-general to the secretary for Scotland
(20 pages)Contract subtree Report to the registrar-general by R. J. Blair Cunynghame, M. D., F. R. S. E
(Pages vii-xi)Contract subtree Scotland
(Pages ix-xi) Births registered in Scotland during the year 1891; the average Scottish birth-rate; the proportion of births in the town and rural districts; illegitimate births; proportion of boys to girls, etc.; With relative tables
(Page xi) Deaths registered in Scotland during the year 1891; the average Scottish death-rate; the proportion of deaths in the town and rural districts; with relative tables
(Page xi) Marriages registered in Scotland during the year 1891; the average Scottish marriage-rate; the proportion of marriages in the town and rural districts
(Pages xii-xxiii)Contract subtree Eight principal towns
(Page xii) Births in eight of the principal towns of Scotland during the year 1891; with the mean annual proportion of births, and the relative birth-rate in each town; the proportion of illegitimate births, and the sexes at birth; with relative tables
(Pages xii-xviii) Deaths in eight towns during the year 1891, with the mean death-rate in these towns and the proportional death-rate in each town; the deaths in each town, and the diseases which proved fatal; with relative tables
(Page xviii) Marriages in eight towns during the year 1891
(Pages xviii-xxiii) Weather, and its influence on the mortality; with relative tables
(Pages xxiv-xxvi)Contract subtree Vaccination in Scotland 1890
(Pages xxiv-xxvi) Twenty-seventh report on vaccination in Scotland applicable to the children born and registered during the year 1890; showing the number and proportion who were successfully vaccinated; the number whose vaccination had been postponed
(53 pages)Contract subtree Abstracts
(Page 1) I. Births registered in Scotland and its counties during each month of the year 1891, conform to act 17 & 18 viet. Cap. 80
(Page 2) II. Deaths registered in Scotland and its counties during each month of the year 1891
(Page 3) III. Marriages registered in Scotland and its counties during each month of the year 1891
(Pages 4-5) IV. Summary of deaths from all causes at four periods of life in eight of the principal towns of Scotland during 1891
(Pages 6-15) V. Deaths in each of eight of the principal towns of Scotland at four periods of life in 1891
(Pages 16-20) VI. Monthly deaths from all causes in eight of the principal towns during 1891
(Page 21) VII. Births in each of eight of the principal towns during each month of the year 1891, and aggregate monthly births for each of the six previous years
(Page 22) VIII. Illegitimate births in. Each of eight of the principal towns during each month of the year 1891, and aggregate monthly illegitimate births for each of the ten previous years
(Page 22) IX. Marriages in each of eight towns during each month of the year 189i, and aggregate monthly marriages during each of the ten previous years
(Page 23) X. Deaths in each of eight of the principal towns during each month of 1891, and aggregate monthly deaths during each of the six previous years
(Page 24) XI. Meteorology of eight principal towns during each month of the year 1891
(Pages 26-53)Contract subtree Births, deaths, and marriages in every county and district in Scotland during the year 1891; and vaccinations in 1890, pursuant to the act 26 & 27 Vict. Cap. 108
(Pages 26-27) Summary of districts, divisions and counties
(Pages 28-29) Northern division
(Pages 29-31) North-Western division
(Pages 32-36) North-Eastern division
(Pages 36-41) East-Midland division
(Pages 41-43) West-Midland division
(Pages 44-47) South-Western division
(Pages 47-50) South-Eastern division
(Pages 50-53) Southern division
(9 pages)Contract subtree Appendix
(Pages 54-55) Registrars' notes relative to vaccination
(Page 56) Constitution of the compound districts
(Page 57) List of registration districts which include burghs or towns of 2000 inhabitants and upwards, or parts thereof, bearing a different name from the districts in which, they are situated
(Pages 58-61) Index to registration districts